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We are building great schools

As we close out the 2022-23 school year and take the opportunity to reflect, we see how our strong school-community partnership plays an essential role in creating successful schools that benefit our children. While celebrating our 40th anniversary this past year, we affirmed how important this partnership is and saw how it has grown, providing support and resources to meet the needs of students beyond what is typically available with public funds. From encyclopedias for the library in the 1980s to push carts for TV/VCRs in the 1990s to the $2.236M raised last year in support of reduced freshman class size for math and English, college and career centers, Innovative Learning Grants for teachers and more, we have created an outstanding learning environment where all students have the opportunity to grow and thrive.


So how do we build on that for the years to come?

By working together!


The Mountain View Los Altos High School Foundation continues collaborating with the District to make the best use of your generous donations. One way we are helping to build for the future is to fund a new Career Technical Education specialist who is helping to create career pathways (a series of 2 to 3 courses that connect to a specific industry) that will help to build relevance and real-world connection for students, ultimately making learning more inspiring and engaging. The initial response from students through course registration was positive, and we are excited to see how this program grows!


And so, it is with excitement and pride that we look forward to the 2023-24 school year and what this new school year will bring for the MVLA community. We look forward to working with all of you to build on our history and offer programs and services that uplift all of our students and help them build successful futures for themselves.


In partnership,

Andrea Maes & the MVLA High School Foundation Board of Directors

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