Annual Report
MVLA High School Foundation

Your support of the MVLA High School Foundation makes a difference!
This year, thanks to your donations, students felt the impact of a revitalized and expanded Career Technical Education (CTE) program. Through new career pathways, students are able to explore real-world connections and postsecondary and career opportunities. The Foundation is proud to have played a critical role in jump-starting this initiative through a special grant that funds the CTE Specialist who works districtwide to coordinate the program at all three schools. The goal is to make learning more relevant and to inspire career exploration. We are thrilled that this program will be part of our annual grant to the district in the upcoming year.
Our community values education and we are proud of our work to support the education of all MVLA students. The success of our partnerships and the positive impact our collective effort has on our public schools and our children is clear. The funding from the MVLA Foundation helps to meet the needs of our students and creates opportunities for them to grow and thrive in high school and beyond. We look forward to what the new school year will bring for the MVLA community.
In partnership,
Andrea Maes & the MVLA High School Foundation Board of Directors
Working together, we can strive to help all students achieve their full potential.
Programs & Services Funded

"Students were MUCH more connected after this field trip. As a result, students have been more collaborative in their projects and more willing to open up and be honest about their progress and authentic feelings"
Bianca Aguirre, LAHS Innovative Learning Grant Recipient
Unaudited finances for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024
MVLA High School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Tax ID #94-2848246.
We are audited annually and rely on our volunteer board to keep our expenses low.

In 2022, the Foundation funded a special grant to revitalize and expand Career & Technical Education (CTE) in the MVLA High School District. CTE courses are designed for students who are interested in learning about different career opportunities while they earn high school credits.